Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to my blog!! :-)

Ok so this is my first attempt at a blog :-)  Just to give you an introduction and a brief idea of what kind of things I will be blogging about!!  My name is Carly, Quaggmire is JUST an alias that has sorta stuck with most of my followers :-)  I'm also new to Twitter, so help me out with followers! haha.  I have played softball my WHOLE life and after a draining 4 years of collegiate softball, my passion for the sport diminished.  While I was in college, however, I developed a keen interest in sports and fitness!  I admire those who know their body in and out and have surrounded myself with that positive energy, channeling exactly how to take care of MY OWN physical health.  I now want to share my experiences with the world and offer this feeling to you as well!  I currently am a distributor for Herbalife, a membership consultant at an elite fitness facility in Washington, DC VIFA Fitness, and a source of positive vibes and energy :-).  Through Herbalife and my team of inspirational friends, I am here to offer, not only a healthy and active lifestyle, but a complete lifestyle change, physically, mentally... and guess what? FINANCIALLY!!!  I am currently looking to build a team of 100 people to take action with me on this journey!  If you're interested in taking this step, please follow my blogs and share them with your friends!  I also want you to check out a few of my pages and videos for I have TONS to share with you!
If interested in a nutrition program and Herbalife products as well as a workout regimen, email me at

If you're looking for a solution to financial burdens, check out this link and ALL YOU DO is enter your email address so I can contact you personally :-) and be sure to watch my personal video as well!

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