Wednesday, October 24, 2012

The Measure of Happine$$

Well it's been a few days since i last blogged, but i have had a few days to sit back and think about a few things... Particularly one's happiness.

My theme today is make yourself happy.

There are many outlets for happiness and ways in which one may measure happiness.  Sometimes, a daily workout is what keeps one satisfied or spending time with family.  For others, it may be a significant other or maybe even something materialistic... but that's not a bad thing!
One argument that has been debated forever is whether or not money can truly make one happy.  My side?  I believe money is needed for just about everything .. and most of those things that make people happy require some form of money.  So yes... in a sense, money does make many people happy.  It's all in the way you view money, however. 

 If you see money as a necessity rather than something attainable... it will always make you miserable.  There are several people out there who have ideal interests.  Whether you enjoy yoga, outdoor activities, the nightlife, or hell, smoking Ganja.  In order to enjoy the majority of these things, however... Money is eventually going to be the determining factor... right?  
Now.. what's everyone's solution to gain income?  Get a job right?  Work hard, play harder right?

Wrong.  Your place of income should pay you based on how well you do your job and your credibility/experience in a given field.... Not how hard you bust your ass for them.  
So by all means, work.  Contribute to society.  You might just really enjoy your job.  Or you can work based on doing something you're passionate about rather than how much your salary is.

People have found a way to create wealth for themselves.  I use the term "wealth" because it's not just "money".  Wealth promotes a healthy financial situation.  If making $30,000 a year is all you need and that's satisfying... Great, consider yourself wealthy!  But if you have to go hours and hours, working for and with people you can't tolerate, is that salary worth it?  It's no longer healthy... So your job may pay you 6 figures, but do you do what you enjoy?

What if you could make 6 figures on your own time... your own watch, doing only the things you love. Well now you can!  

I made the decision to get involved in this early.  I still work, but I'm making twice as much as my job pays me now.  That extra money gives me the ability to live out the things that make me happy.

Ultimately, I want my "job" to not be a "job" anymore... I want it to be my "place of work".  This is where I will do MY part to contribute to society, doing what I love and instead of looking at what my salary is, I look at the positive outcome of what it is that I do.

I have always been a huge advocate for the furry friends out there and if I could rescue animals for a living, find them good homes... Life would be simple.  At the same time, my finances will be the last thing on my mind.

Anyway... I hope this post left you somewhat inspired, but ultimately relieved.  Don't stress about a dollar sign as if that's the only thing you're good for in this world.  If you feel you were put here to do something, go do it.  Don't wait.  Erase your financial troubles today!

Wednesday, October 17, 2012

You have NO EXCUSES for being BROKE!

Hey ya'll!  So sheesh, that debate was intense last night!  Now that everyone is all worried about their future financial situation (despite who you're voting for), I figured now would be a good time to run some things across your screen for you!  Are you a mother, student, struggling recent graduate, or just ANYBODY always trying to find a solution for the AMOUNT of money you owe compared to the amount you actually receive?? Are you waiting for a magical politician to take over office and fix it for you?  Or if you had the power to fix it yourself, aren't you more reliable than ANYONE else?

I know some of you have been approached by folks who have begun dibbling and dabbling into these network marketing/home business opportunities... And if you're one of those who thinks it's nothing but a "scam",  I'm here to make you swallow your words.  It's real.  And I'm about to break it down from my perspective.
Most companies who have taken to network marketing, you will notice, are those who have been around for nearly a century.  You can imagine that over the years, several NEW companies offering similar services have BLOWN up and paid the big time money for air and advertising... so where does that leave the old school company?  I'll tell you...
Now, I'm going to use MCA as an example and by the end of this I will explain why.  MCA is 86 years old. They offer roadside assistance-related services, similar to what AAA or your insurance company offers.  Basically, they're old news.. so how does MCA stay relevant??
Never heard of MCA?  Or the only time you ever heard of MCA, did you hear it was a "scam" of some sort?  Stay tuned young grasshopper...
MCA devised the best and most efficient plan in order to keep their business afloat. Here's the plan.  We will PAY our members 200% commission EVERYTIME they refer someone NEW!  This way, not only are we keeping our current customers happy, but they're SO happy, they're bringing EVEN MORE customers to our company.. And getting PAID for it!!  They have allowed these members to become their own "independent distributors", creating their own business and making quick and easy money in doing so.
How can MCA pay you 200% commission you ask?  Imagine how much money they're saving by having YOU advertise their services as opposed to paying these big advertising companies the BIG bucks to spread the word?
MLM... o lordy.. MLM.  Multi-Level-Marketing is a term that has been completely misunderstood and only a scare tactic when it comes to this.  If you look closely at the term and break it down, multi-level marketing is exactly what it sounds like... Several levels of marketing earning different levels of residual income.  Now, many people use this term and associate it with a "scam", why? I am not so sure.  But, let me clear your mind of any skepticism... MLM is EVERY business.  I will compare the 2:
Home business(corporation): associates(entry level)$160-$400/wk, 2nd tier associates(managers)$400-$1k/wk, 3rd level associates(CEO's)$1k+/wk
Now... Difference in network marketing and an actual corporation, network marketing is NOT A JOB. So in a corporation, you start at entry level only to 'bust your ass and prove your worth' in order to earn even CLOSE to the next level of income (managers), this could take TIME, years even!  And guess what?  No bill/loan collectors care how much money you don't make... So make your own!
So in terms of multi-level marketing, the only way to use that term as relevance to a "scam" is to refer to those big major companies where one individual CEO is sucking the life out of those below him at other levels of income, while those positions never make it to top level income.
Now, in network marketing, you decide how quickly you can reach that CEO level income, could be a week, could be 3 months.... But you did it all on your own ;-) with little to no effort at all... and quite possibly never lifting a finger.
I'm currently an MCA associate, there are several growing network marketing opportunities out there to be successful with, but if you don't want to spend $500 just to get started, MCA is the way to go!!
So whether you are completely broke, in need of extra income or looking for a "job"... look no further. I'm here to assist you in this!  I was able to make $500 in my first 3 weeks after speaking to 100 stubborn people... Those same stubborn people could have had $500 extra in their pockets as well by now!  Join me and my team and if you would like to speak to me more about this, please visit this link, enter your email address and I will contact you personally from my email address!
Come get fabulous with me!! :-)

Monday, October 15, 2012

Welcome to my blog!! :-)

Ok so this is my first attempt at a blog :-)  Just to give you an introduction and a brief idea of what kind of things I will be blogging about!!  My name is Carly, Quaggmire is JUST an alias that has sorta stuck with most of my followers :-)  I'm also new to Twitter, so help me out with followers! haha.  I have played softball my WHOLE life and after a draining 4 years of collegiate softball, my passion for the sport diminished.  While I was in college, however, I developed a keen interest in sports and fitness!  I admire those who know their body in and out and have surrounded myself with that positive energy, channeling exactly how to take care of MY OWN physical health.  I now want to share my experiences with the world and offer this feeling to you as well!  I currently am a distributor for Herbalife, a membership consultant at an elite fitness facility in Washington, DC VIFA Fitness, and a source of positive vibes and energy :-).  Through Herbalife and my team of inspirational friends, I am here to offer, not only a healthy and active lifestyle, but a complete lifestyle change, physically, mentally... and guess what? FINANCIALLY!!!  I am currently looking to build a team of 100 people to take action with me on this journey!  If you're interested in taking this step, please follow my blogs and share them with your friends!  I also want you to check out a few of my pages and videos for I have TONS to share with you!
If interested in a nutrition program and Herbalife products as well as a workout regimen, email me at

If you're looking for a solution to financial burdens, check out this link and ALL YOU DO is enter your email address so I can contact you personally :-) and be sure to watch my personal video as well!